PG电子官方免费下载 has a long history of international commitment 和 co-creation towards sustainable development 和 is pioneering the evolution of climate-smart technologies 和 system-wide solutions – an important competitive advantage for Swedish companies that operate globally. PG电子游戏发挥积极作用, forward-leaning role in this development 和 has been doing so for a long time.


Our 可持续性 guide is a good start for companies that want to accelerate their own 可持续性 performance. 它解释了, 除此之外, 如何用六个步骤抵制腐败和侵犯人权. 你可以 点击这里获取可持续发展指南.


Our efforts are based on international 的指导方针 和 principles such as 经合组织跨国企业准则, 联合国全球契约联合国企业家精神与人权指导原则(pdf). We have signed 联合国全球契约 和 integrated its ten principles in our management.

In addition, we use Agenda 2030 as an overall control- 和 communication tool. The private sector plays a crucial role in achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. An important task for Business PG电子官方免费下载 is to help companies in complex markets, 当地的做法, 薄弱的制度和立法可能会增加腐败的风险, 对环境有负面影响吗, 或者侵犯人权和工作条件.


由于我们在世界各地的市场都有本地业务, Business PG电子官方免费下载 has in-depth knowledge of the challenges 和 risks that international companies may face. We help companies manage these obstacles by providing the necessary information, 建议, 网络, 的指导方针, 工具和仪器.


我们的《行为准则》是我们日常工作的道德指南. It helps us navigate to make the right decision 和 better integrate 可持续性 into our daily work 和 make it a natural part of the dialogue we have with our clients. 这份文件是以我们的核心价值观为基础的, PG电子官方免费下载立法和国际法规和公约. 我们新的行为准则是以以前的版本为基础的, but it also points out the direction for how we strive to work in 可持续性 moving forward. 全球实施进程目前正在PG电子官方免费下载商务中心进行. Several initiatives in line with the code of conduct will be launched aligning closely with the framework of Business PG电子官方免费下载’s strategy for 2025.



Download our reports for detailed information about Business PG电子官方免费下载's 可持续性 strategy, 目标和结果.

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